Sovereignty vs Coincidence

If there is one word that seems to dominate Diego Louis's testimony, it's the word Sovereignty. Diego is a 32-year-old Seminary student who lives in Buenos Aires with his wife and two young kids. While some would call the director of Diego's life coincidences, believers can see God's control.

When Diego was 18, his mother was an animist (all things are animated and alive). His own understanding of God was mixed with spiritism, rituals, and superstition, but his girlfriend's parents were Christians. Hearing them explain the gospel, Diego became overwhelmed with the weight of his sin. Over a week, God worked in his heart to truly break down his pride and lead him to complete surrender to the cross of Christ. He began to go to church and grow spiritually.

As the years went by and Diego grew in his faith, he began to serve in small ways. He'd lead the music on Sunday. When he had the opportunity, he would lead a bible study. He'd write devotionals to send out to the congregation. Although he never studied journalism, he enjoyed writing articles about faith and theology in his spare time. However, this passion for writing had no foundation:

"I wanted to write, but I had no idea what to write about. I had no footing." 

His goal was to learn more about the Bible and formally study theology to have a firm base for teaching and writing.

Enter "coincidence #2” - last year, Diego attended a conference at The Master's Seminary in California. The fact that he could go was a sign of God's provision since his visa costs, plane ticket, and hotel stay were all covered by a close friend. At the conference, he crossed paths with the editor of a publishing company, and they began to chat about theological education.

"It is all just too expensive or too far away."

"It is all just too expensive, or too far away," Diego had commented to him. The editor assured him that there were affordable options, and he should look up Seminario Bíblico William Carey in Argentina. When Diego arrived home after the conference, he searched for Seminario Carey and enrolled right away.

Even though he was a native of Argentina, even though he'd heard Samuel Masters (the seminary rector) preach at local conferences, it took a conversation in California for him to finally take the step to join the seminary!

As Diego began his first year in the seminary, he began to go deeper into the Bible and finally get a foothold in the scriptures. As he describes it, he began to take big jumps in his theology, allowing him to get a clear picture of sound doctrine. He also finally had something to write about, and the confidence to write it well. This new skill came just in time because - "coincidence #3” - starting in 2020, Diego began to write for Soldados de Jesucristo, which is one of the largest Christian blogs in Latin America.

"I met the director, mentioned that I loved writing; we started talking, and later he offered me the chance to write for them."

Although he never expected to be writing articles for an audience of millions, he recognizes that the timing was perfect and providential, and his seminary studies are helping him with the task.

Talking with Diego, it becomes clear that God has guided his life by putting the right people, opportunities, and open doors at just the right places. Diego's reaction to this:

"I just want to be prepared theologically and spiritually for whatever God might have next!"

We believe there is only one solution to the hardship of the pandemic: that people would come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

With your ongoing support, this has remained our mission as we support church planting in Argentina and Seminario Bíblico William Carey. Our approach dramatically shifted, and although it wasn’t the year we expected, it’s the year that God ordained in his providence. As we look forward to 2021 with new programs, new students, and resuming mission trips, we know that His faithfulness will not fail.

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