Seminario Bíblico William Carey 2022!
March is always an exciting time for Seminario Bíblico William Carey, as it marks the start of a new school year. We’re always amazed at how the Lord brings new students, each with different ministries, testimonies, and future goals, into the virtual classrooms of Seminario Carey. This year Seminario Carey is offering a diploma program in Biblical Counseling; it has been clear that there are new opportunities to reach and equip even more Christian leaders. Thanks to our stateside partners who have been investing in infrastructure and online presence, this internal growth can now be seen externally and numerically.
The seminary started its online classes on February 28th with 119 students, more than it has ever had. These students are divided between the traditional theology program and the new Biblical Counseling program. In addition to the surge in online students, in-person study centers have also boomed. As life returns to a semblance of “normal” in a post-pandemic Argentina, our Tucuman study center was able to open its doors once more and welcome 12 first-year students. Another study center in Chile will start later this month.
Two brand new study centers also opened in strategic locations in Argentina. On March 18th, a group of 26 pastors and leaders began their theological studies in Chaco, right on the border with Paraguay. And our biggest-to-date study center launched in Buenos Aires on March 16th with 38 first-year students. What is so exciting about these new study centers is that they were started by ABRA (Asociación Bautista Reformada Argentina) churches. We are working closely with ABRA to continue to invest in the next generation of church partnerships. These churches have recognized their own need to train future leaders and the value of supporting other pastors within their community. Students and pastors from all kinds of churches are attending these study centers, including pastors of new, young church plants. By having access to solid theological training now, every student can bless and grow their churches in the truth of the Word.

It’s worth reiterating that this season of explosive growth in Seminario Bíblico William Carey did not happen overnight. Faithful partners in the US have been helping us lay the groundwork for the last year to grow the seminary staff, pay for the administrative building, and get news of the seminary out through online channels. We praise the Lord that we’ve been able to see physical growth so quickly, and we look forward to an exciting academic year for Seminario Carey!