Pray for Cuba

Seminario Carey has its largest in-person study center on the island of Cuba. One hundred forty-six students across 11 different towns meet together regularly to receive theological training. Most of the students are pastors. In the past, we have seen God move despite the Communist government, allowing permission forms to be approved for a Seminary building and for Seminario Carey to be officially registered with the government. 

However, as tensions have grown in Cuba over constant oppression, economic struggles, the lack of accessible food, and recent violence, our friends at the study center have been put in danger. 

A week ago, two pastors who work with Seminario Carey were taken by police while at a peaceful march for their right to freedom. Yéremi Blanco Ramírez and Yarian Sierra, the pastors, were not legally registered as prisoners nor officially charged with a crime, so it took a significant search by their families and friends to finally locate them in prison in the city of Matanzas. Once they found them, Yarian and Yaremi’s wives were allowed to take them one change of clothes and a toothbrush, then told they could not return until further notice. The local seminary director Jatniel stated bluntly: “We fear for their lives. At the very least, it’s possible they could disappear into the prison system for years.” Jatniel himself has been blocked from leaving his home by the police. Just yesterday, Yarian’s wife, Claudia, was evicted from her home under pressure from the government. 

Yeremi’s wife wrote: "They are making them disappear."

Because of this, Seminario Carey, churches, and family and friends of Yeremi and Yarian are posting their names and photos everywhere on social media. These posts are not only a call to prayer for these men and others like them (several Christian pastors have been arrested), but we hope that the growing awareness will put pressure on the Cuban government to free these men. Some of these posts have already caught the attention of amnesty groups who are considering how they might get involved. 

We would ask you to pray fervently for these men, families, and the church in Cuba, but also that you would share the request and the story with your friends, small group, or church. The more attention that can be drawn to the situation, the better the chances are for these religious prisoners. 

Christians on the island know that they are free in Christ (John 8:36), yet their freedom to gather and be with their families can go away in a second. At the end of the day, the country of Cuba needs the Lord to move amongst its people and leaders. While they are in God’s hands, we must also call for justice and peace (1 Peter 3:11) for these men and women in an unsafe situation. 

You can be a part.

You can see our Facebook posts about the situation here:

If you want to give towards Cuba, we are working with partner churches to provide material support to both families, the seminary, and local churches.