
A solid, biblical education is essential to spreading the Gospel.  Before, during and after a new church is planted, equipping individuals must take place for the work to grow and multiply. However, South America has shortage of schools teaching conservative, biblical theology. For this reason, Seminario Bíblico William Carey was founded in 2009, in Córdoba, Argentina.

Today, more that 250 students from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, the United States, Spain, Mexico and Cuba are taking seminary courses online and in person. Most students work a part-time of full-time job while they complete their theological education. They are developing a biblical foundation for opportunities as God leads, while influencing their current occupation.

The seminary has a growing curriculum of classes to equip students. In 2018, Seminario Carey started a Master of Theological Studies program in partnership with Southern Seminary - the first of its kind in Latin America. Eventually, paving the way for PhD opportunities for Latin American church leaders.

Currently, we are working with Seminario Carey to renovate an administration center and library to be better prepared to serve and equip future Kingdom leaders.