TRIP STORY – Football Outreach Missions Trip

Kevin Washington from the University of Texas led a team in May to work with an Argentine football association in Córdoba. The trip greatly impacted every player involved, from both the US and Argentina, as he shares in his reflection on the trip. 

Our players are still talking about Argentina. Not just the football camps that the Crecer Foundation brought us down to help put on, but the entire experience. What’s best, is they’re still trying to do it all in Spanish! To say this trip impacted our players as much as when they run full speed into each other during practice would be an understatement. There wasn’t one specific point that made the adventure amazing, but the entire experience.

Having two players that had never been out of the country before would have made it easy to be uncomfortable, or worried, but from the beginning of the trip everyone made sure we knew exactly what we were doing, and what to expect. In the country, we were always taken care of, and enjoyed being immersed in the culture of Córdoba. Scott did a great job helping us to understand the culture and city that we were learning.

football outreach
football outreach

Understanding the different nuances and history equipped us to build relationships with the men we ministered too. Grasping the spiritual history and background of Argentina brought questions and realities to light back home in America that our players usually don’t consider. They grew in their understanding of the Gospel, deeper in their own convictions, while birthing a passion to share the Gospel with others. Our eyes and perspectives were opened to the realities outside of our own personal bubbles, and it all came through utilizing something we usually take for granted.


 Teaching football to the CFA league made our players appreciate the gifts and opportunities God has given them back here in Austin. Their desire to play and share with others grew exponentially. More importantly, they left with the realization that God has given each person unique gifts and abilities that can all be used to further the Kingdom of God. Beforehand they would have said they weren’t sure how they could use their talents for God. Now they have a clearer picture of what that looks like, and appreciate the privilege they’ve been given. Even now, they are actively looking for ways to live out their faith, including recruiting their teammates for another trip! All of that is due to spending a few days in Cordoba with The Crecer Foundation, sharing and solidifying our faith in Christ.


As one outcome of the trip, we received this message from one of the players. Thank you for your support!

I want to thank you for everything that happened this past week. It was a true privilege and honor to be able to train with such extraordinary and kind people. Thank you and thank you again!!

I also wanted to mention that the message shared during the dinner on Thursday really hit me, and greatly motivated me to be a better person. I appreciated [the players'] way of thinking and sharing their lifestyle of faith. I can't complain about anything in my life, thank God I have a job, a family, friends, health, and love. But I don't feel complete. Often I feel that something is missing and I'm not complete, that I can't manage to find peace with something or Someone. That's why the message the team shared really impacted me. I want to search more for God and Jesus and include them in my life. Once again, thanks.

  • Jose Pucheto

Want to learn more about taking a missions trip to Argentina?