This is How We’re Ending Cachi’s Abusive Cycle

In the town of Cachi, there are less than 8000 people (around the size of a mega-church), yet there is one reported case of rape or domestic abuse per week.

Little girls are often abused by the time they are 10.

Little boys are brought up with 3 or 4 different male figures, often alcoholic and violent.

Little children are raised into a broken family cycle that more often than not, they themselves live to repeat.

Cachi Camp 7 _Celeste 2

There is a critical period - youth - where we can break this cycle before it reproduces, and replace it with Biblical fundamentals. This retraining goes hand in hand with the gospel. As Crecer interns have worked together with local missionaries in Cachi, they’ve confronted the cycle of broken families, and seen the gospel break the chains. This year, Cesia (name changed for privacy) experienced freedom for herself.

It took months of visits, retreats, and teen camps just to build trust with Cesia, as is usually the case with any teenager, and especially the case in a small town. For months, each devotional, prayer time, and gospel presentation seemed to be hitting a wall.

“What do you think Cesia?” - No answer. “Have you ever thought about God?” - No answer.

What we were able to see with time, however, was that each devotional, prayer time and gospel presentation was breaking down that wall. During this year’s summer camp, Cesia finally opened up and admitted to sexual sin in her life.

One could argue that her abusive and polygamous community had helped her develop this sin in her life; but no temptation, either internal or external, could overpower the work God was doing in her life! She surrendered to the conviction of sin and the call to repent.

Cachi Camp 3

Cesia changed from that moment, from being a brick wall to being a light and a testimony in the youth group. She is no longer silent during Bible studies, but has questions to pose to leaders, and wants to know more about God. Cesia is also working with missionaries to overcome her sin and develop Biblical habits and views toward the family. She never misses a youth activity.

THIS is why we are really excited to take even more youth camps to Cachi next year, to continue the work in Cesia's life, and to reach Cesia's neighbors and high school classmates. For the other little girls and boys who have grown up in abuse and are on the path to destruction, we know the gospel can set them free. Please help us reach the teens of Cachi


Our hope is that you will join us this holiday season to provide the hope of the gospel to the lost in Argentina. Together, we can change the course of the lives of those who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.

DONATION TO: The Crecer Foundation


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