“This year’s conference is small but full of good news!”

Sam Masters

Sam Masters is the president of the board and Rector of Seminario Bíblico William Carey, training and equipping Spanish-speaking leaders for Kingdom growth around the world. Learn more about Sam at www.sammasters.org.

Last year we praised the Lord that Seminario Bíblico William Carey was able to have its largest conference to date. This year we are moving in a different direction and having a “small” conference.

No, it’s not because we’re still exhausted from the big one. The fact that this year’s conference is small is full of good news.

2017 Conference Summary

First of all, we are holding the conference in a different city - Tucumán - located in the north of Argentina and removed from most Biblical conferences. Tucumán is full of Pentecostal, prosperity-gospel churches, but only has one reformed church in the whole city (and province, as far as we have found).

Second, this conference was organized not by the Seminary’s central office, but by the local study group in Tucumán. The Tucumán branch of the Seminary has grown over the last four years to have 27 students, 8 of which will be graduating with their Diploma in Theology this year. This study center, led by the local director Raul, has matured enough to host its own Theological Conference for the region.

Finally, we are excited because this is a significant opportunity for Seminary growth. According to Pastor Raul, there are no other local seminaries - not even Pentecostal - available to the residents of Tucumán. Through this conference, more Christians in Tucumán will be introduced to and influenced by the quality professors and reliable theology of the Seminario Carey.

Tucuman students

We are rejoicing and praying, and we ask you to do the same! Please be in prayer for the conference - specifically for constant spiritual perseverance in the lives of the students who will graduate. May the Lord use them and all they have learned to change Tucumán and all of Latin America. Join us in praying also for the local study center, as they would like to buy a property rather than rent.

Even though we won’t see the same numbers we saw last year, we know that this conference is going to mark a significant step in the Seminary’s history!

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