Seminary growth around the world

Use the interactive map to see what happened recently around the world.


Córdoba, Argentina >

New Building is Being Used! 

Staff are using the new building to give classes and to host workshops for students and guests. Recently students worked with Professor Manuel Carbonell to learn how to use theological references and literature. Eventually, we aim to provide a theological library for students so that they can come and do theological research whenever they need to. 

< Tucumán, Argentina

Largest Graduation Ceremony to Date!
The recent Theological Conference ended with a graduation ceremony that exceeded all previous years combined! Eight students graduated, the first time a study center has had graduates. Later this year, Cordoba will celebrate 2 more graduates from the online program. It was also a testimony to the Lord's provision and faithfulness, to see Carey Student scholarship recipients on the graduate stage for the third year in a row. One scholarship student, Pastor Roberto Moyano, told us, "I realize that, although I’ve graduated, nothing has finished, on the contrary this is when it all STARTS!"

< Cuba

Kingdom Growth After Years of Gospel Absence 
Our Executive and Latin American directors recently visited Cuba to learn how we can better partner with local leaders to accelerate their ministries. It is clear that God is moving in Cuba as more and more churches are being planted in regions where Christ has long been absent. We have already, with your partnership, been able to help with their new building. While there, they spent time at local study centers working to understand how we could partner to serve. We are excited about future plans and possibilities!  

Spain >

New Study Center! 
After ongoing chats with a local pastor, Seminario Carey was able to open its seventh study center and the first in Europe. The brand new center began with 6 students. This is also the second center that opened this year.