Mission Accomplished!

truck to truck

Fabián and Marcela Abregú have been working for many years in La Rinconada, one of the most isolated places in Argentina. They recently were in need of a new truck. Fabián says their old truck was fine… if you are Fred Flintstone. The floorboard had rusted out and they could see the dirt road under their feet as they drove along.

Fabián and Marcela live about 80 kilometers down very rough dirt roads from the nearest mechanic, so they needed a reliable used vehicle.

La Rinconada is a town with a population of only 200, but there are many more living in adobe houses spread out over hundreds of square kilometers of barren country. They survive by herding goats. Fabián and Marcela spend time driving to many of these outlying areas to care for those living there and to proclaim the gospel. 

Because of many generous gifts, we were recently able to purchase a new vehicle for the Abregú family in La Rinconada! Because of this, they are able to continue taking the Gospel to the extremely rural areas surrounding La Rinconada.

Watch how the Abregús are serving La Rinconada