This testimony is the result of many different projects all coming together.

The church in Cachi is one of Crecer’s oldest projects. We’ve seen progress and growth through multiple stages: building a pastoral house, constructing a congregational building, and purchasing recording equipment for a weekly Bible program on Cachi’s public radio.

So when we received this letter from Marcelo Brondo, the local missionary, that showed how every little piece of the puzzle - their ministry to locals, church members’ personal outreach to neighbors, Marcelo’s radio program - had worked together to open the door to evangelism, we were eager to share the good news with our partners!

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From Pastor Marcelo Brondo

Dear brothers & sisters,


I wanted to share with you about a woman named Monica, who has been coming to our church for over a year. She’s a social worker and visits many households each day, allowing her to share the Word of God as she has the opportunity. Last week she was able to share with a couple who were thankful to learn more. Monica told me about the encounter this past Thursday, so I asked her to give me directions so I could visit with my wife.


The house is about 30 minutes away from Cachi, on a hill where few people pass by. When we arrived, before I could even introduce myself, the gentleman began to tell me about his need to learn and understand more about the Word of God. As a blind man, he’s unable to read, so his only access is a weekly radio program with some so-and-so Pastor Marcelo Brondo who shares the Bible. This program, he said, has helped him understand much more about the Lord.


When I told him I was Pastor Marcelo Brondo, he was shocked! Together we thanked and praised the Lord for guiding us to this house! His name is Valentin, 71 years old, and he lives with Maria Rosa who is 50. Maria Rosa was also very happy to receive us and she let us know that she always reads through the tract that was given to her 17 years ago, by a group that had shown the “Jesus film” to the families in the region. [In God's provision and plan, this is the ministry that our Latin American director, Carlos Cañete, was working in years ago - the same region, the same year!] I have no doubt that Carlos had a hand in that!


The Lord has opened the door for us to go every Saturday to visit and continue teaching them the gospel. We pray for their salvation!


Pastor Marcelo Brondo

Carlos teaches trade school in Salta, Argentina

Cachi has been the springboard for Crecer to work in many other mountainous regions of Salta, where few people - let alone missionaries - ever go. As we see lives like Valentin’s being touched based on the foundations laid in Cachi, we’re excited about the lives that will be touched through these new efforts on the horizon.