Hurricane relief in Cuba

Our partner, Seminario Bíblico William Carey, works in Cuba with over 100 believers through study centers and local church partnerships in the city of Velasco.
We have received news that is both encouraging and heartbreaking. In God’s protection, none of the students or church members were harmed by the storm. However, in the wake of the storm there is a massive need to access food. Irma left most of Cuba unable to harvest crops and the majority of food stores were stripped clean before the storm.
Now, what food is left is being sold at prices that far exceed most incomes. But there is good news. Through our relationship with Seminario Carey, we have the ability to give money directly to these families so that they can eat over the next week while they begin rebuilding their homes and communities.

It doesn’t take much. $15 will feed a family of 4 for 2-3 days. This small gift is a life saving amount for the people of Velasco, Cuba.

* Crecer is a 501c3 and your gift is tax deductible. 

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