An entire family comes to know Jesus Christ
Manuel was depressed, frustrated, and about to separate from his girlfriend, who he lived with and had a child with. He felt like there was no hope for his life; his daily routine was plagued with problems. At work, a colleague named Alejandro began to tell Manuel about Jesus. One night he, his girlfriend Stella, and their baby went to Alejandro’s house for dinner. As they ate, Alejandro and his wife shared the gospel yet again, and both Manuel and Stella surrendered their lives to Christ.
Manuel was the first new convert at the Jesus Maria church-plant in northern Córdoba, Argentina, where Alejandro is the pastor. As Manuel and Stella went to church each week and grew in the Word, their relationship problems started to resolve themselves. They were discipled, legally married, and then baptized. After a few years, Stella started to lead Sunday School for the children. Manuel began to serve as a deacon. But there was a burden in Manuel’s heart.

What about my family?
His siblings and parents didn’t go to church and had no understanding of the gospel. They had seen the transformation in Manuel’s life, but they were still living without Christ. Manuel began to invite his family to come to church, and tell them about how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus. First, his sister came to church with her husband and kids. Months later, his brother came with his wife and kids. Finally, his parents came. The promise of Acts 16:31 came alive in a literal way for this family.
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved — you and your household."
Now, the entire Romero family are active church members and all have been baptized in the faith. His brother leads worship at their Sunday gatherings. Manuel began to study in Seminario Bíblico William Carey to serve as the assistant pastor at Jesus Maria church. He leads a men’s Bible study and preaches one Sunday a month. He and his wife, who runs the Sunday school program, have 3 children.