A random google search has led to a reformation in this church.


This Google-miracle story starts with a hospital security guard named Franco, living in the north of Argentina, engaged to be married, and on the brink of a big change. As a faithful, lifetime member of Rejected Cornerstone Pentecostal Church, it wasn’t a surprise that he was chosen to serve as a pastor just a few years ago. However, despite his desire to serve, Franco, like many pastors in Latin America, had no theological training. He knew of the Lord and had heard his church’s version of the gospel, but realized his knowledge of the scriptures was still quite shallow. Soon after his ordination, he started googling theological seminaries in Argentina. The world-famous search engine led him to Seminario Carey.




In Franco’s first year he learned so much, especially compared to the teaching he had heard in his own church, that he began sharing the seminary with everyone he knew. Classes like Covenant Theology completely changed his understanding of the biblical story and salvation. He finished the year with a new doctrinal foundation, a clear understanding of the gospel - and a new wife! The next year his newlywed wife, his mother, and a close friend joined the seminary and came to the doctrine of grace as Franco had. This year, Franco’s third in the seminary, his church staff are also registered and have started studying in the local study center!


Apart from being an efficient “recruiter” for the seminary, Franco has also been influential in his church. Faced with the truth of scripture, he and his wife have turned to the doctrines of grace, rather than the prosperity gospel, and have been burdened to share the same with their congregation. While many other churches might have kicked them out, or certainly removed them from a pastoral position, Franco and Antonella’s church have given them an open door to share more. Franco has been able to speak openly with the other pastors and staff, some of whom are studying themselves this year in Seminario Carey.

Baptism one month ago

Franco’s preaching has also shifted to being Bible-based, which has caused a reformation in his church. As pastor, he says he can see the spiritual growth in the congregation, as they start to truly absorb and understand the Word. (A quick look at the church’s Facebook page shows shared resources from John Piper and The Gospel Coalition.) What’s even more exciting, is that Franco’s church is the “mother church” over several campuses. The change starting in his own church has the potential, Lord willing, to spread to the other church campuses as well.

That Google search back in early 2016 might have seemed random, but God used even a secular search engine to bring a new pastor to His Truth. As Seminario Carey continues to influence Spanish-speaking leaders, and they continue to influence their congregations, the Biblical gospel is spread across Latin America.