We believe there is only one solution to the hardship of the pandemic: that people would come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

With your ongoing support, this has remained our mission as we support church planting in Argentina and Seminario Bíblico William Carey. Our approach dramatically shifted, and although it wasn’t the year we expected, it’s the year that God ordained in his providence. As we look forward to 2021 with new programs, new students, and resuming mission trips, we know that His faithfulness will not fail.

Your end of year gift continues spreading the gospel in Argentina. Donate to support church plant and seminary growth in 2021.

DONATION TO: The Crecer Foundation


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We ended 2019 with a huge evangelism project in Jesús María. You helped us purchase Bibles to distribute to every home in the city, as church members went door-to-door talking with their neighbors. Of course, this plan was postponed when the Argentine government ordered the lockdown in March. Missions trips, conferences, and evangelism campaigns were canceled in the wake of this year-long quarantine. Since many of our planned projects were off the table, our question at The Crecer Foundation became: What can we do to bless the church in times like these?


It quickly became clear that church plants were in great need of benevolence funds. Many believers were left jobless and forced to choose between paying their rent or buying groceries. Partners like you stepped in, sending funds that allowed local pastors to purchase almost 1000 utility bags full of food and supplies (around 21,000 pounds of groceries!). As pastors visited church members and neighbors, they were able to connect and go more in-depth with those who weren’t rooted in their faith, or who didn’t know the Lord at all.


  • In La Rinconada, neighbors who had rejected the gospel for years asked to receive devotionals and Bible verses via text message each day.
  • In Saldán, grocery delivery opened the door for Biblical counseling with many struggling families.
  • In Córdoba city, the local church saw an increase of about 30 new visitors when they were allowed to open their doors for worship again.


This year, Seminario Carey announced a new study center in Córdoba, Argentina. They had planned to hold in person classes in the new administration building, which is just a few construction projects away from being finished! Four US church partners were to travel on missions trips to finish the renovation by the end of the year.


However, COVID-19 made in-person classes impossible and Northern Americans entering the country is currently prohibited. Yet Seminario Carey has not been held back by these roadblocks. We have been thankful to see that the number of students online has remained steady the entire year, even with the job market fluctuating constantly. In-person study centers in northern Argentina and Chile have switched to Zoom. The seminary hired new staff to handle the increase in students, the Master's program, and the growing online community. By the end of this year, a dozen students from all around Latin America, will graduate from the online program equipped to lead their churches well.


Your end of year gift continues spreading the gospel in Argentina.

Donate to support church plant and seminary growth in 2021.