There’s only one thing missing…

Seminario Carey currently has the only Bible seminary open to Cuban nationals and is working towards renovating a building to further the mission.

Now there is only one thing missing.

Toilet graphic

Prior to the Seminary’s presence in Cuba, almost every single national pastor was serving out of goodwill and a servant’s heart, but with no experience or Biblical training. Now, the new seminary building will allow these pastors to grow in their understanding of the scriptures and spread this understanding to other Christians in Cuba.

The building is close to being finished.

But there’s one silly, yet crucial thing missing - bathrooms! The building will not be approved by the government without 4 bathrooms, and this is where you have a chance to be a part of God’s work in Cuba. If we had four partners give $640 each, the building could be finished and Cuba would have its first onsite, open-to-nationals Bible Seminary.

Four giving partners - $640

Go ahead, buy a bathroom.