In 2018, we saw more evangelism into unreached areas happen than ever before. In 2019, we are praying for even MORE opportunities to share the hope of Jesus Christ with the lost in Argentina and connect them with local churches. In 2019, we are planning...

  • The second annual teen summer camp in Cachi, Argentina.

    tents, generators, and Bibles

  • To expand trade schools to eight different locations.

    $700 per trade school

  • To launch our first ever APS youth camps.

    Bibles, a meeting tent, satellite phone, and sleeping bags

  • Four teen outreach initiatives to Cachi, Argentina.

    A van to get the job done!

Our hope is that you will join us this holiday season to provide hope through the gospel to the lost in Argentina. Together, we can change the course of lives of those who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Keep reading to learn the impact your gifts make.

DONATION TO: The Crecer Foundation


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How Learning to Weld Changed These 2 Men’s Lives

Francisco and Miguel aren’t accustomed to strangers in their town. Nevertheless, when Crecer arrived for a trade school, they signed up to learn new job skills. Neither of the men would have guessed that a week of welding would change their lives.

The Supreme Court of Argentina tried to stop this program

Argentina’s highest court interrupted our Bible education program by making it illegal for children to study religion in school, but we’ve got a plan that will still provide a Bible education to little Amado, his classmates and his family.

This is How We Are Ending Cachi’s Abusive Cycle

The rape and abuse statistics from Cachi are staggering, so naturally the family structure is often broken. In the midst of this darkness, the light of the Word is shining to help teens like Cesia break the cycle.