Roberto & Elida Romero
Roberto and Elida Romero live in Las Malvinas Argentinas, Córdoba and lead a young and growing church, Iglesia Centro Crecer Malvinas. As is often the case in Latin America, the church grew from a small group simply striving to live Gospel-centered lives and caring for those around them. After cancer took the life of a friend, several people began gathering regularly to comfort her family. God honored this and brought more people to the house creating opportunities to preach the Gospel. These meetings eventually became a small group Bible study and grew to become the church. After outgrowing the house where the it started, the church began renting space in the heart of Malvinas where it meets weekly.
The Romeros have many dreams to make an ongoing impact in their community. Establishing a local church is primary. They also desire to start a Christian school and pursue opportunities to preach the Word on the local radio station.
The Romeros are actively seeking opportunities to purchase a building or buy land to build on as they have outgrown their current rented space. Establishing a permanent location for the church in the local community will help build trust with the people of Malvinas as they have seen many different religious groups come and go.
Fabian & Marcela Abregú
In 2011, Fabrian & Marcela Abregú moved to La Rinconada, Argentina - a town 80 km removed from all paved roads. The previous 5 years, various teams had donated time and money to build their house.
When they arrived, they began to work on the church. After years of fervent dedication to the community, they have seen the church grow out of a living-room Bible study into a congregation with its own meeting room. Thanks to faithful stateside partners, the church building is almost finished.